Roger Morris.REMO
This is supposed to be an introduction. “About me”. As odious a practice of self-identification as can be imagined. Yet, part of the process if my work, my art, is to be reasonably considered by the independent passing eye.
Who AM I ? The stats are I was born in New Zealand, in 1954, in Roxburgh hospital. Named Roger Edward Morris. remo. To live my first 7 years on a back - high country farm in Central Otago, in the South Island. A property called ‘KIRIBILLI’. The mountains I grew up watching, south, across the huge and ancient river valley, 20 miles away, was called ‘the Benger’, The Benger Range. And my river, that fierce teal blue river, was called Clutha. The Clutha. I am second born of 4 boys. My Mother was a very beautiful young kindergarten teacher and my Father an older, happily returned serviceman from WW2. He farmed the five thousand acres with sheep and occasional cattle; She loved us into being. They both were wonderful people and parents and my memories of childhood are good. Happy. Secure. Well fed. Education as you’d imagine if you knew anything about 1950’s 60’s New Zealand. The name Aotearoa didn’t appear, to any degree, until the 1980’s when we began to explore our colonial past. The practicalities of education and family movements etc I don’t think important writing too much about at this stage, they being so typical. But, shifting to Christchurch and Akaroa, then some training in Wellington, then overseas travel between 1975 and 1980, returning to Elam art school Auckland for a brief one term in 1981; then onwards to the establishment of family beginnings in another province,Taranaki, on another Island; the North Island; and our building our studio’s at the end of this road, are all part of that next period of the journey.
Overall, I have maintained a steady run for 43 ‘professional’ years at time of writing. Paying what taxes I did, on my art. If I feel successful, it is in family, purpose and individuality. Another way of saying I am barely on record.
The reader and viewer of this site will decide for themselves why that is so.
From here on down, there is no continuity. No formal pathway from one image to the next. No structure to the presentation until the REDTEAM segment. That is another ball-game. An observational and evidential thesis. Singular. Otherwise, I have simply thrown together the images ‘for the looking’, with interspersed quotes and writings that do not aimed to make a coherent whole.. The viewer will read and consider as they wish;
and apply to the images similarly.
Self Portrait. 1986
Lies and damned Liars.
In the beginning, was 911. At least, in the beginning of this part, was 911. The neoconazionist deepstate project; as a false flag attack forming basis - casus belli - for the smashing of identified enemies of the anglozionist deepstate. As reported by General Wesley CLARK: ex - Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR), which granted him overall command of NATO military forces in Europe, seeing a classified memo from then-Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld that listed seven countries that were to be toppled by the U.S. military ‘in the coming five years’ after 911: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Iran.
We are now several steps on from that thundering nexus point. 23 years on. The alliance has slowly devolved into black farce and deepening crisis; creating, through it’s poxy (sic) NATO, a war with Russia in Ukraine. Actually fighting alongside fascist Banderites - the next generation Ukranazi SS. Our Fathers roll and groan from their graves. Watching the naZionist expansion pogrom genocide in Palestine; as it ramps us toward global war. Again. Now we can see how it happens. Understand it’s processes. Those past writings blaming different subsector groups and alliances WHO orchestrate war in time of financial disaster: all stand obvious: odious: malevolent and guilty. But laughing at us as we march in the streets with our flags. Darkness is descending while the fat cocks of western enlightenment dressed in their suits and pastel colours pretend democracy and crow freedom, freedom as long as you take your gene therapy and mandated SHOT. We are the lab rats. No joke.
As Lilly Tomlin is reported saying; “no matter how cynical I get, I just can’t keep up.”
ODE to 911
M E M E : Explosive disintegration//the magic bolt
freefall COLLAPSE - of thought patterning (the speed of deceit)
No "Failure of Imagination" in the creatioNIST office of special plans, o no. they were well up to it.
Into white. oils on canvas . quite big. 2012
THE OCT [- OfficialConspiracyTheory,] or NIST [National Institute of …..] [creatioNIST] report, holds; that the inert upper structural mass 'as a block' - of WTC 1 & 2; plus gravity, induced by aircraft impact and fires, created and then released the otherwise benign, or inert, structure and contents above the WTC strike zones; as energy. The OCT hypothesis then directs that 'single entity' building energy as a 'fist-crush' mechanism down, down down through centuries of Physics LAW holding such dynamics impossible without added explosive energy input removing all resistance in it’s way below. NIST contend this force disintegrated 11 ACRES of concrete flooring PER SECOND into ppm hot rapidly expanding DUST. At constant acceleration through the building structure 'of greatest resistance' beneath it which is ok according to modern structural engineering and every physics department in every university in the world bar one., Fairbanks Alaska.
Symmetrically. All steel structural elements, all contents, concrete, glass gypsum-wall board office furnishings and occupants of two 110 story steel framed high-rise office buildings @ one acre per floor; into naked steel piles, molten steel, and Hot DUST - 5.8% of which by mass identified as 'molten iron spheroids,' [R J LEE] a known signature of thermitic/ explosive/ incendiary reaction/action.
The US Dept. of Commerce 'National Institute of Standards and Technology,' or [creatio]NIST building assessment reports, hypothesized that; once critical fail was 'somehow' initiated over the 236 perimeter (minus those sheared by aircraft impact) and 47 core columns at the same moment, dropping the upper section/s suddenly and en-mass “one floor;” that that force and source alone accounted for and explained the only three known steel-framed high rises in the history of Humankind destroyed by this method. Official times : South Tower WTC2, destroyed in 9 seconds. Followed by North Tower WTC1, in 11 seconds [ the 81 columned 47 storied steel-framed High-rise WTC7 Salomon Brothers ('A Building within a Building' M.McCain.Feb.1989.NYT) ,Destroyed at 5:20pm/911, in 6.5 + - seconds] : [ : [[ The WTC towers collapsed in only (av) 11 seconds (WTC 1) and 9 seconds (WTC 2)—speeds that approximate 3/4 that of a ball dropped from similar height in a vacuum ?]] All I can do is note the 9 and 11 second NIST/OCT established destruct times as they relate to the overall date, in silence.
The utter and complete pulverisation and disintegration of 2 110 storied, 47 core and 236 outer steel columned/steel-framed high-rises - hat-trusses, flooring /concrete, glass, all parts therein per tower in (officially) 9 seconds and 11 seconds respectively [was actually more like 11 and 14 seconds] ; and the complete FREE FALL for 2.25 seconds, of WTC7 - the third building utterly demolished that terrible day; remain the Cassus Belli forcing 'the world' to allow NEOCONAZION or how ever you describe those behind this egregious false flag to enter a phase of International violence not seen since the second world war.
Quote : "To reach full gravitational acceleration [FREE-FALL,] All of an objects' potential energy must be converted into motion, with none of it available to perform other work, such as crushing or deforming steel and concrete. Some other mechanism must be providing that energy for the structure to fall through itself at FREE FALL." Tony Szamboti. 'An Objective Look at the Collapse of WTC 7.'
Quote : "The amount of energy required to expand the North Tower's DUST cloud, was many times the entire potential energy of the towers' elevated mass due to Gravity. The over 10 (ten) fold disparity between the most conservative estimate and the gravitational energy is not easily dismissed as reflecting uncertainties in quantitative estimates. The official explanation, that the twin tower collapses were gravity-driven events appears insufficient to account for the documented energy flows." Jim HOFFMAN. 2003
Firstly, the towers.
We can absolutely quantify the numbers of floors/stories disintegrated in each second of the destruction phase of the towers [and WTC7, later] from observation and the simplest math.
I acre per floor.
110 floors.. divided by time of destruction.
11 acre/floor/stories per second demolished Tower One, and
12.22222 acre/floor/stories per second demolished Tower Two.
More or Less.
In each second Stripping bare and fragmenting the steel structure, propelling multi-tonne steel sections from the downward and symmetrically running eruption zone at 60 ->70mph horizontally 600 feet in all directions of the radius ; Including a large piece of Tower one antenna photographed on Liberty Street [the other SIDE of tower 2] - all Concrete, glass, gypsum wall board trusses plus all parts office furnishings/glass and occupants therein -12 acres of concrete flooring PER>SECOND -> disintegrated into Hot rapidly expanding DUST ( 1 acre concrete per floor. 110 floors per tower two towers, 220 acres of concrete flooring) - that is, during the destruction phases- essentially, in mid-air. 11 seconds tower one, and 9 seconds Tower 2 [Times: ] officially due to gravitational - 'crush down'- kinetics alone.
Lets count a second.
In that one second of time, 12 stories of 47 core columns and 236 perimeter columns and 12 acres concrete floor section of these massive steel framed high-rises, are pulverized into POWDER and shattered and horizontally ejected in multi-tonne sections up to 600 ft@70mph in all directions of the compass. Symmetrically. In that one second, 12 acres of concrete flooring are pulverized into an eruption of hot, rapidly expanding DUST clouds that are by mass, 6% molten iron spheroids. Molten Iron spit. The fires only burned above the strike zone so where did the fire 'energy come from in the lower 80-90 stories of each cold secure building structure, to create molten spit equalling 6% of its DUST cloud?
Every part on every one of those 12 acres of floors of office space are fragmented into unrecognizable hot clouds of DUST rampaging through the canyon streets of Manhattan. In one second. Repeated at constant acceleration, at 3/4+ free fall - but actually AT free fall with WTC 7 - Not a pancake in sight. But a ten second burst of energy 10 times greater that the most conservative estimated energy static/inherent in the Towers’ elevated mass due to gravity. [Jim Hoffman;2003:"
-> This powerful, lethal, and original process of building deconstruction was accorded a 'new phenomenon' by Shyam (Pinocchio) Sunder of NIST, a man able to argue the overcoming of 'conservation of momentum' for the only three times in recorded steel-framed High rise building 'collapse' History - or four, now, including the Plasco building in Tehran; "pile driving" a rapidly diminishing mass [due to it being blown into HOT DUST at the same moment] at steady acceleration, through all the lower cold hard intact superstructure where no fires burned - incendiary energy present enough to create and spit 6% -by mass - of that hot DUST cloud -> molten iron spheroids, a known thermitic/incendiary/explosives [exothermic reaction] signature. Enough energy to leave signature Tritium levels in the basement of WTC 6, 55 times greater than 'background' 11 days after rain and substantial water sprayed onto the area. Enough to find Uranium at 7.57 parts per million in the dust [USGS.] between 2 and 7.75 times the expected level. In the DUST, Strontium, Barium, Yttrium, all the 'iums' down the 'decay pathways' to hell-and-gone.
To Ground ZERO.
Come to poppa. 2004 oils on board. 1400x400
What parts of the office furnishing supply chain suddenly reacted to create and spit molten steel @ 6% of those gigantic 9 and 11 second DUST clouds of ‘by-the-acre’ concrete, to vaporize over a thousand souls?, then somehow generate heat source within the 7 storied deep naked steel pile and burn molten furnace fires -"Molten steel, running down the channel rails""like we was [sic] in a foundry. Like lava, from a volcano" - for 13 weeks, was never revealed in any of the OCT reports. 1,500 °F and sometimes higher ground temperatures six months after 9/11 are not explained by conventional incendiary/explosives action; although, they could be.
In fact, the presence of molten steel was denied, even in the face of a 'thermite burn' recording a molten steel pour by the torrent, from South Tower corner, moments before its critical fail. Pinocchio Shyster SUNDER called it ‘Aluminum.’
But, even more egregious, the computer algorithms designed by the creationNISTs to explain their 'new phenomena' with regards the absolute FREE FALL of WTC 7, remain hidden from peer review via states secrets privilege [“NIST Catherine Fletcher FOIA Officer :”We are, however, withholding 3,370 files. The NIST Director determined that the release of these data might jeopardize public safety. This withheld data include remaining input and all results files of the ANSYS 16-story Case B collapse initiation model, break element source code, ANSYS script files for the break elements, custom executable ANSYS file, and all spreadsheets and other supporting calculations used to develop floor connection failure modes and capacities, In order to work with the ANSYS files, a copy of the licensed software is required.”]
ENGINEERING FACTORS identifying cause of the first and only ever recorded sudden FREE FALL of a complex steel framed high rise "Due to normal office furnishings fires around one column/girder seat, on one floor [12] of an 81 columned 47 storied steel framed high-rise,' WTC 7 - fires already photographically proven OUT at the time and place of hypothesized critical fail - A 'new phenomenon' break/fail mechanism, was Identified by NIST; putting EVERY steel framed high rise in the world in MORTAL danger of simple office furnishings fire causing a complete and sudden demolition : the algorithmic data sets making up that assertion are a secret. The algorithm establishing this terrible and hitherto unknown FLAW in steel framed high rise construction, threatening millions of office workers around the globe daily, is not open for peer review or expert contest because the "data might jeopardize public safety."
Where does one go in the sweep of time and space and knowledge to suitably contend with that absurdity ? That murderous hypocrisy ! That FRAUD !! Where does this contest find Justice ? In a world now defined by an intellectual acceptance of an official account so corrupt, it can maintain deceit of this magnitude ?
The Truth/Lie dichotomy.
"The observed fire activity gleaned from the videos and photographs was not a model input, and thus one should not expect a perfect correspondence between predicted high temperatures and observed fire activity." NCSTAR 1 - 9 : 378
“No thermal expansion or material degradation was considered for the concrete slab, as the slab was not heated in this analysis” NSCSTAR 1-9: 352
In producing the algorithm overturning centuries of physics and building science, the USGOVT. cartooNIST [department of Agnotology] programed their computers to not heat the concrete flooring slabs sat, entrapped by sheer studs, onto the very steel beams they were heating at will, to ‘allow the expansion’ that ‘allowed the LEAP’ into farce that is now written into US Building science.
It helps us understand the doctoring of the books required to engineer an agnotological collapse through a computer model that bears no resemblance to physical, observable, reality. Sounding remarkably like another official response to another official account stating "One must not ask oneself how technically such mass murder was possible. It was technically possible because it happened."
Back to KARL ROVE :
“We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”
Unless otherwise stated or noted, these are my words, thoughts and approaches to the narrative.
“The 911 attacks were a global state terror operation permitted by the administration of the USA, which had foreknowledge of the operation yet remained intentionally unresponsive in order to make war against Afghanistan and Iraq.
To put it briefly, the 911 events were an instance of the strategy of tension enacted by political and economic powers in the USA to seek advantages for the oil and arms industries.”
Judge Ferdinando IMPOSIMATO.
Hon.President The Italian Supreme Court.
Former legal consultant to the UN.
Member of the Parliamentary Anti-Mafia Commission in three consecutive legislatures.
Reading the USGS and LEE DUST analyses, - and now the final WTC7 report by Dr. Leroy Hulsey and Team, University Fairbanks Alaska; it is fair to say; the 911 'global state terror operation' described by Judge Imposimato; utilized explosive materiél able to create 'atomic 'decay pathways' in the forensic dataset… in the DUST that flooded the streets of Manhattan. Where 5.87% of the dust sampled, was (were) cooled molten iron spheroids. That is, Molten iron spat into the erupting dust clouds created during the demolition sequencing (11 and 9 seconds respectively for the towers, 6.25sec. WTC7). SO THAT, rather than the 911 terror attack existing officially [OCT] as a gravitational collapse, brought about by aircraft impact and normal office fires, it must instead be understood as explosive demolition. That the " Failure of the Imagination' [conclusion of the official Commission Report/blaming security services] is, infact; the public ‘failure of imagination.’ A public imagination cuckolded into accepting the official Lie, as truth. That this inversion of reality is present at ALL stages of the official account. [The Truth/Lie dichotomy] So that, 911 is evidence of the successful expression of the ‘black’ imagination'; of those constructing the deception. A classic FALSE FLAG attack and not a failure at all. That the true failure is ours; to perceive 'truth' in the behaviour of the buildings destroyed that day. And the consequence of the deception practiced upon us. The true failure is 'our' inability to correctly study and interpret the Damage F+
Andrés Sepúlveda rigged elections throughout Latin America for almost a decade. He tells his story for the first time.
By Jordan Robertson, Michael Riley, and Andrew Willis | March 31, 2016
"Rendón, says Sepúlveda, saw that hackers could be completely integrated into a modern political operation, running attack ads, researching the opposition, and finding ways to suppress a foe’s turnout. As for Sepúlveda, his insight was to understand that voters trusted what they thought were spontaneous expressions of real people on social media more than they did experts on television and in newspapers. He knew that accounts could be faked and social media trends fabricated, all relatively cheaply. He wrote a software program, now called Social Media Predator, to manage and direct a virtual army of fake Twitter accounts. The software let him quickly change names, profile pictures, and biographies to fit any need. Eventually, he discovered, he could manipulate the public debate as easily as moving pieces on a chessboard—or, as he puts it, “When I realized that people believe what the Internet says more than reality,I discovered that I had the power to make people believe almost anything.””
heading for the abyss. Benzion Mileikowski takes us to war via genocide.2024.vax lies and as much of ‘the rest’as can be mustered.
Letters to the Editor.
We now understand how to 'manage' live-streaming a Genocide. 1(a) Ensure that it isn’t called one. 1(b) Ensure the Palestinians resisting an occupation army for 75 years, are called TERRORISTS. 1(c) Ensure those fiercely militant european-zionist survivors of the Hitlerian holocaust, ethnically cleansing Palestine post 1945 to gain political advantage - ensure they are framed as ‘heroic defenders of enlightenment and democracy’. 2. That, any sympathy for the Palestinian people is described as ‘sympathy for terrorism’. 3. Slander the students who are in revolution against the obvious Genocide in GAZA, as ‘anti-semitic holocaust deniers’ and ’Nazi’. 4. Describe all judgments by any world Court bold enough to confront the anglozionist war-crimes (UN,ICC,ICJ etc), as an expression of ‘anti-semitic’ ‘racism’, and ‘Hate-crimes against Israel’. 5. Being ‘anti-zionist’ or arguing against Israel in any meaningful way, is anti-semitic. 6. Reduce every proof of Genocide, against October 7th, as ‘ the worst attack against the Jews since the Holocaust’. A conflation beyond reasoned possibility. However, ‘impossibility’ is the name of the propaganda game. Black is white. Up is down. War is Peace. Genocide is 'self-defence’ by ’the most moral army in the world’ while live-streaming the murder of 34,000 innocent people. 25,000 of whom are women and children. Destroying all of besieged Gaza. The targeted killing of journalists and medical/aid workers by the hundreds, their bodies now found bound, tortured, shot and buried alongside their mothers and fathers and sons and daughters in the mass-graves of GAZA.
Mostly, you get away with live-steaming Genocide, by silence. The new figure of 20 casualties who fell specifically from operational accidents or friendly fire is minimal and doesn’t refer to the first three weeks preceding the ground escalation, regarding the casualties on October 7, nor does it include other fronts. For example, an IDF officer was killed as a result of a friendly fire incident near Qalqilya at the beginning of the war, and other soldiers were killed as a result of a tank turnover near the Lebanon border. Casualties fell as a result of friendly fire on October 7, but the IDF believes that beyond the operational investigations of the events, it would not be morally sound to investigate these incidents due to the immense and complex quantity of them that took place in the kibbutzim and southern Israeli communities due to the challenging situations the soldiers were in at the time.
Witness lied to Israeli media about the Nova festival killings. Israeli media have removed interviews with Niko Ostroga, who claimed he saw 29 friends killed at the music festival on October 7th, after it was revealed that he was never there.
Scandal-stained Israeli 'rescue' group fuels October 7 fabrications
Founded by a serial rapist known as the "Haredi Jeffrey Epstein," Israeli ultra-Orthodox rescue group ZAKA is responsible for some of the most obscene post-October 7 atrocity fabrications, from beheaded babies to "mass rape" to a fetus cut from its mother.
Dt Thorp independently confirms the WarRoom/DailyClout’s findings now from three other independent sources: that placentas, fetuses and newborns are being damaged by the mRNA injection. All four sources confirm the same kinds of damage: fibrins, blood clots, “small for dates” restricted growth and weight of the placentas, and calcifications. Meaning that babies of vaccinated moms in utero may not be getting enough food, and they may lack the room to grow normally.
Dr. Wolf: Our volunteers found that a terrifying report went out on April 10th, 2021, showing damage in utero from transplacental or “maternal” exposure to vaccine, Pfizer’s words, including death. There are also convulsions and fevers and swelling of babies who are nursing vaccinated moms.[6] This report went to CDC, and three days later, Dr. Walensky gave a White House press conference telling the women of America, that especially if they were pregnant, they should take the vaccine; that it was safe and effective, that there was no bad time. Before you have your baby, during your pregnancy, after having your baby, there is no bad time to take the vaccine.
Kit Klarenberg. “A new academic study has made a shocking and highly controversial finding. Suspicious Israeli stock market activity in the days preceding Operation Al-Aqsa Flood on October 7 indicates that a particular party had foreknowledge of the impending attack and used that information to directly profit from the panic that ensued.
The paper, authored by Robert J. Jackson Jr. of New York University School of Law and Joshua Mitts of New York University School of Law, concludes that based on a “significant spike” in short selling of listed Israeli companies, persons unknown were aware of the operation was impending, and sought to profit illicitly. Short selling – or shorting – allows traders to bet a stock will perform poorly and reap rewards if they’re correct.”
Universo Paralello was not origintally intended to take place at the Re’im site, with organizers moving it to this location only two days before it started, when another site in southern Israel fell through. The new site at Re’im featured a pair of stages, with the Israeli producer Artifex playing the mainstage when the attack started. Gaster was told that the attackers closed the road into the festival from both sides so attendees could not escape.
Israeli tank gunner reveals orders to fire indiscriminately into kibbutz — report
New disclosures add to the growing body of evidence indicating many Israelis who died on October 7 were killed by the Israeli military. Meanwhile, the Israeli government has muzzled captives freed from Gaza to prevent further damage to the official narrative.
Firsthand testimony by admittedly inexperienced Israeli tank operators reveals orders to open fire upon Israeli communities when Palestinian militants breached the fences encircling Gaza on October 7.
A glowing profile of an all-female tank company by Israel’s N12 News network contains admissions by the 20-year-old captain — identified only as ‘Karni’ — that she was ordered by a “panicked” soldier to open fire on homes in the Holit kibbutz whether they contained civilians or not.
Ten Israelis were killed in Holit on October 7; no children were among the dead.
“The soldier points and tells me, “shoot there — the terrorists are there,”” the captain recounts in the newly-released footage, noting that when she asked “are there civilians there?,” her compatriot simply replied, “I don’t know,” and ordered her to “just shoot” a tank round into the buildings anyway.
Ultimately, she recalled, “I decided not to shoot” as “this is an Israeli community.” Instead, she said, “I fired with my machine gun at a house.”
In a 2002 interview the former Israeli government minister Shulamit Aloni was asked by Amy Goodman: “Often when there is dissent expressed in the United States against policies of the Israeli government, people here are called antisemitic. What is your response to that as an Israeli Jew?” Shulamit Aloni replied “Well, it’s a trick, we always use it. When from Europe somebody is criticizing Israel, then we bring up the Holocaust. When in this country [the US] people are criticizing Israel, then they are antisemitic.” She added that there is an “Israel, my country right or wrong” attitude and “they’re not ready to hear criticism.” Antisemitism, the Holocaust and “the suffering of the Jewish people” are exploited to “justify everything we do to the Palestinians.”